quarta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2014

Facts About Computers

What Was the First Computer Used in Brazil?

   In Brazil the first computer to be used was the Univac-120 purchased by the São Paulo state government in the year 1957. The computer had 4500 valves and was able to make 12,000 sums or subtractions per minute. He also had the ability to make 2400 Multiplication and division per minute. The goal of the state government was to make the calculation of water consumption in the capital. The machine had 60 bytes of RAM. In the private sector the company Anderson Clayton bought the first computer in 1959. The machine in question was the Ramac 305 which had no less than two meters wide and 1.870 meters tall. It also had a thousand valves in each input port or output information. This computer had 150,000 bytes capacity which today is the equivalent of phone book memory of a 3G chip. The computer, considered very modern for the time, took five minutes to do the research of information. Today Google does not take even 5 seconds.



Projections of F and J keys - What Are They?

   Maybe you never noticed, but now looked at your keyboard and saw that the F and J letters has protrusions. The explanation for these projections is simple and comes before modern computers. Since the old typewriters are these projections in order that professional typists can position your fingers on the keyboard correctly, because the time used to look at the keyboard is actually a waste of time in this work. People who type very use this feature without even realizing it. This is the case of those people who learned alone to type quickly and without looking at the keyboard.

Antivirus - Why Not Have More Than One Program in Computer

  Usually we have the idea of how much protection we have better, does not it? But with your computer is not so. In theory it would be great to have two antivirus software, but in practice the machine can become a real mess. For starters have two antivirus software conversation consumes too much memory your computer, in addition, there is a conflict between these programs because both wish to monitor and scan your files. Consequently it may be that the machine locks or even the two software to stop working and the machine is without any protection. So the more software you have on your computer has less protection in fact.

segunda-feira, 24 de novembro de 2014

Generations Off Computers

This week we will talk better about the generations of the computer to be better understood:

The first generation was 1950 to 1958, computers were in the process of experience.

  • The second generation was from 1958 to 1965 they were faster having about 20 megabytes of memory, with tapes and disks.

  •  The third generation was 1965 to 1975 had a vast programming, various languages. 

  • The fourth generation was 1975 were manufactured by INTEL, having database and agility in quickly.

  • The fifth generation is being marked by artificial intelligence and their connectivity.

quarta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2014

A little about us

Hi my name is Gabriel, I’m 15 years old, and my my birthday is on february 12th.
I study in school Etec Monte Mor
I like soccer, skate and others sports.

 Hi, my name is Isacar , I'm 16 years old and study in school Etec Monte Mor, my favorite hobbies are: Skateboarding, Playing on the computer, reading (sometimes) among others.

My name is Lucio, I'm 15 years old and study in school Etec Monte Mor, my favorite hobbies are: Drawing, Have fun with friends in free time and horror and comedy are my favorites genres of film. Between Santos , São Paulo , Palmeiras , Corinthians I support the judge.